Friday, November 17, 2017


A daily liberal scare, from ONR -


  A new non-profit venture seeks to improve the lives of the working poor who can’t qualify for a mortgage. Boomtown Development will be building affordable housing for people paying high rents and living paycheck to paycheck. The plan is to build 150 new homes a year to address the estimated 5,000 Tulsa residents who live in unaffordable housing at present. This story aired on the ONR on OETA-The Oklahoma Network. For more information, go to the ONR web site For more about OETA-The Oklahoma Network, visit

This Week in Business

A daily liberal scare, from ONR -

This Week in Business

  The Journal Record's Sarah Terry-Cobo discusses the cost of Oklahoma's budget problems, the increasing demand for crude oil storage, a tough summer for Oklahoma utilities, and an Oklahoma aerospace company expanding its footprint into East Asia, this week in business. This story aired on the ONR on OETA-The Oklahoma Network. For more information, go to the ONR web site For more about OETA-The Oklahoma Network, visit

Frack Quakes

A daily liberal scare, from ONR -

Frack Quakes

  State officials keeping close watch on earthquakes caused by fracking. Officials at the Oklahoma Corporation Commission are continuing to develop data on earthquakes caused by fracking operations. So far over 280 frack sites have caused some level of quake, most of them below 2.5 in magnitude. Now quakes are also occurring during flowback operations at frack sites, where the fluids are removed to begin production. This story aired on the ONR on OETA-The Oklahoma Network. For more information, go to the ONR web site For more about OETA-The Oklahoma Network, visit

@ the Capitol with eCapitol

A daily liberal scare, from ONR -

@ the Capitol with eCapitol

  eCapitol news director Shawn Ashley discusses the end of the legislative special session. The senate approved the latest budget agreement on the final day of the session and adjourned sine die. The deal sets up another multi-million dollar budget hole next fiscal year, and has led to talk of revisiting the state question that makes tax increases so difficult to pass. This story aired on the ONR on OETA-The Oklahoma Network. For more information, go to the ONR web site For more about OETA-The Oklahoma Network, visit

Budget Agreement

A daily liberal scare, from ONR -

Budget Agreement

  Oklahoma's special legislative session ends with a budget plan that almost no one likes. The new budget fills the state's 215 million dollar hole by raiding agency revolving funds and using carryover money from the previous fiscal year, and by cutting most state agencies an average of 2.44%, but prevents devastating cuts to Oklahoma healthcare agencies. This story aired on the ONR on OETA-The Oklahoma Network. For more information, go to the ONR web site For more about OETA-The Oklahoma Network, visit

Friday, November 10, 2017

Tulsa 9.12 Project Monthly Meeting - November 9th, 2017

Tulsa 9.12 Project Monthly Meeting - November 9th, 2017
Tulsa 9.12 Project Monthly Meeting - November 9th, 2017

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Sheriff's Lawsuit

A daily liberal scare, from ONR -

Sheriff's Lawsuit

  Tulsa attorneys say poor criminal defendants are being extorted by an unjust system that allows a collection agency to add 30 percent to the amount owed in court costs, fines and fees. They have filed a lawsuit against the Oklahoma Sheriff’s Association and a the collections agency. This story aired on the ONR on OETA-The Oklahoma Network. For more information, go to the ONR web site For more about OETA-The Oklahoma Network, visit

This Week in Business

A daily liberal scare, from ONR -

This Week in Business

  The Journal Record's Ted Streuli has the latest on Continental Oil's production goals, some good news on state tax receipts, wholesale water prices going up in central Oklahoma, and plans to test an autonomous vehicle in Oklahoma City, this week in business. This story aired on the ONR on OETA-The Oklahoma Network. For more information, go to the ONR web site For more about OETA-The Oklahoma Network, visit

State Health Crisis

A daily liberal scare, from ONR -

State Health Crisis

  More details about financial wrongdoing at state health agency. The interim Commissioner of Health says he needs at least $30-million to make payroll this month. Preston Doerflinger says without the money from the legislature, the Oklahoma State Department of Health will have to close its doors, sending more than 2,000 employees home without paychecks. Audits are underway to determine the exact cost of the financial mismanagement. This story aired on the ONR on OETA-The Oklahoma Network. For more information, go to the ONR web site For more about OETA-The Oklahoma Network, visit

Budget Deal

A daily liberal scare, from ONR -

Budget Deal

  Lawmakers fail to pass a bill called the "last chance" to solve Oklahoma's budget crisis. House bill 1054 would double the gross production tax on oil, increase cigarette taxes, and hike motor fuels taxes. The bill was designed to fill the state's 215 million dollar budget hole and provide raises for teachers and state employees, but did not get the 76 votes needed to pass as a revenue measure. This story aired on the ONR on OETA-The Oklahoma Network. For more information, go to the ONR web site For more about OETA-The Oklahoma Network, visit

@ the Capitol with eCapitol

A daily liberal scare, from ONR -

@ the Capitol with eCapitol

  ECapitol news director Shawn Ashley has the latest on attempts to solve the budget crisis. House bill 1054, which would have raises taxes on cigarettes, motor fuel, and gross production tax rates, failed to get the 76 votes needed for passage as a revenue measure. It could still be reconsidered, but lawmakers are now looking at other options to fill the state's 215 million dollar budget hole. This story aired on the ONR on OETA-The Oklahoma Network. For more information, go to the ONR web site For more about OETA-The Oklahoma Network, visit

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Sutherland Springs Texas Church Mass Shooting 27 Dead

Sutherland Springs Texas Church Mass Shooting 27 Dead

  27 Confirmed Dead After a Man Opens Fire in A Small Town Church More than a 27 churchgoers are believed to be dead Sunday in the small town of Sutherland Springs Texas after a gunmen opened fire on a congregation. The gunman is also believed to be dead. The shooting was reported in Sutherland Texas at First Baptist Church. Helicopters and other emergency personnel are just arriving on the scene. Texas Governor Greg Abbot responding via tweet said “Our prayers are with all who were harmed by this evil act. Our thanks to law enforcement for their response. More details from DPS soon.” A citizen journalist made this report from the scene in front of the church moments after it happened. Stay tuned for more as the story develops. Read More:

Friday, November 3, 2017

Philbrook Confidential

A daily liberal scare, from ONR -

Philbrook Confidential

  Tulsa’s Philbrook Museum is digging deep into its collection to display rare works of art that haven’t been seen before. A new exhibition called “Museum Confidential” allows visitors to learn the inner workings of Philbrook. This story aired on the ONR on OETA-The Oklahoma Network. For more information, go to the ONR web site For more about OETA-The Oklahoma Network, visit

This Week In Business

A daily liberal scare, from ONR -

This Week In Business

  The Journal Record's Ted Streuli has a boom for wind power, some good news for tax collections, a new DUI law that has been put on hold, and how hospitals are expanding in the state's urban core, this week in business. This story aired on the ONR on OETA-The Oklahoma Network. For more information, go to the ONR web site For more about OETA-The Oklahoma Network, visit

ONR Extra: Bad Laws

A daily liberal scare, from ONR -

ONR Extra: Bad Laws

  A Senate interim study has been told that even introducing a bill that is blatantly unconstitutional draws attention to the state that likely sends new workers and company’s away. Officials with the Oklahoma City and Tulsa Chambers of Commerce told the committee there is no way to know how much money has been lost due to some of the bills lawmakers pass or take under consideration. This story aired on the ONR on OETA-The Oklahoma Network. For more information, go to the ONR web site For more about OETA-The Oklahoma Network, visit

Health Department Money Woes

A daily liberal scare, from ONR -

Health Department Money Woes

  The financial crisis at the Oklahoma State Health Department continues to worsen. The agency is now said to be at least $30-million dollars short and in danger of no longer being able to make payroll. Legislators are being asked to find money to help the agency stay afloat. This story aired on the ONR on OETA-The Oklahoma Network. For more information, go to the ONR web site For more about OETA-The Oklahoma Network, visit

@ the Capitol with eCapitol

A daily liberal scare, from ONR -

@ the Capitol with eCapitol

  Ecapitol News Director Shawn Ashley has the latest on budget negotiations at the capitol. Lawmakers remain far apart on revenue raising measures, and a deadline to collect revenue by February first has already passed, so cuts to state agencies appear to be one of the last remaining options to fill the state's 215 million dollar budget hole. This story aired on the ONR on OETA-The Oklahoma Network. For more information, go to the ONR web site For more about OETA-The Oklahoma Network, visit

Budget Patch

A daily liberal scare, from ONR -

Budget Patch

  The legislature continues to struggle to close the state's budget gap. Lawmakers have been unable to find enough revenue to fill a 215 million dollar hole. Meanwhile, the State Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services will soon run out of money, and faces significant and potentially devastating cuts. This story aired on the ONR on OETA-The Oklahoma Network. For more information, go to the ONR web site For more about OETA-The Oklahoma Network, visit